We are all about Forests & Food https://www.facebook.com/MadFoxFarms1
We are all about Forests & Food https://www.facebook.com/MadFoxFarms1
Mad Fox Farms is owned and operated by Rem & Karman Fox. We've been together for 31 crazy and loving years. This farm and nursery is the culmination of our correlated professional life and educational background. We have put our heart and our dedication to help others in everything we do here.
Karman Fox is a University of Idaho Master Gardener, an OSU Permaculture Graduate, Certified Firewise Landscape Professional, and a Soil Food Web Certified Lab Tech. Her focus on making dirt into microbiological rich soil is the heart of fixing Dysbiosis.
Rem Fox is a 30 year technology & business expert focusing the last 11 years in behavioral healthcare and also is a certified nutritionist that studied from world class Universities abroad. Dysbiosis is also occurring in our gut health and microbiome. Our plant based foods are severely depraved of critical nutrients due to ignoring the natural science process of microbiota life and regenerative farm practices. We are focused on Forests and Foods toward a better health and wellness for all.
All of our plants come with our exclusive "Microbiome Warranty" (TM) so we don't sell you a plant requiring additives, fertilizers, or chemicals when you plant them. We save you money. Ask us why...